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My future job essay

My future job essay

my future job essay

 · Future Job Essay Example Fourthly, I want to have more confidence and become a good leader with skill, for example: I still can’t control and persuade people to listen to me some time when I’m in charge of P. E’s blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins My future job Essay on �� - Nowadays there so many different professions that one can be confused in choosing the perfect one for them. The development of certain branches of science  · Read Essays On My Future Career Prospects and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. We can custom-write anything as well! We use cookies to enhance our website for blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

My Future Career Essay Examples | WOW Essays

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. Nowadays there so many different professions that one can be confused in choosing the perfect one for them. My future job essay development of certain branches of science and technology has led to the advancement of new skills. So, the profession that I want to dedicate my life to is a physician.

The job of a doctor is one of the oldest and most prestigious professions. Medicine is constantly changing and adapting to the changing world. New diseases require new knowledge. In addition, knowledge and abilities of the physician is are not just limited to the field of medicine.

A true doctor must be a good psychologist, be able to listen to people, be able to create hope, confidence, and faith and be able to influence in the correctness and necessity of the prescribed treatment. The thought of saving the life of a child and returning him or her to a healthy life is super extremely rewarding. What could be more important and noble that than that? When I see in everyday life or on television sick children begging for help and their eyes wanting answers for their pain, my hearts breaks a little.

I want to be able to change that and provide the best possible care than I canfor them. What is a pediatrician? years old. To become my future job essay pediatrician, it takes a tremendous amount of time and patience. After finishing four years of undergraduate university coursework, one must complete a four- year degree at a medical school, which may be an allopathic or osteopathic school.

After graduatingfrom my future job essay school, students receive the degree of a doctor, but they are not yet fully trained, my future job essay. Pediatrics requires approximately three years of residency under the supervision of experienced pediatricians. A pediatrician may refer a child to a pediatric specialist for the specialized treatment and further evaluation for special specific cases.

Children neurology is one of the specialties that I am extremely interested in because of an incident that my younger sister had with a seizure. A child neurologist is my future job essay specialist that is an expert in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system, my future job essay, which includes the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and nerves.

They provide various types of services for children who suffer from infantile spasms, seizure disorders including seizures in newbornsmedical aspect of head injuries and brain tumors, development disorders such as delayed speech, motor milestones, and coordination issues. There are several neurological disorders that are common in children. Epilepsy is one of these. It is a seizure-causing disorder that is not only most common in children but in people over the age 65 too.

Most of the symptoms of epilepsy can be controlled, but notit cannot be cured completely. It is the job of a pediatric neurologist to help control the symptoms of epilepsy that are unique to children. Another common disorder is a neuromuscular disease, such as cerebral palsy, that can cause physical disability. Children often complain about unexplained headaches that are related to problems in the central nervous system.

Attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are also common in children. Child neurologists are trained to recognize and treat these unique neural problems in little oneschildren. Furthermore, there is a tremendous amount of research in neurological disorders that is done and most of it is published in medical books, journals and articles. Formants of researches are standard and formal. My future job essay titles are appropriate and specific enough to describe the contents of the paper.

All the articles are structured the same way. It starts with an abstract and introduction, and is then followed by material, methods, my future job essay, results, and conclusions. This is essentially the same method as the scientific method. I have gone through various researches research papers and one specific research foundation caught my attention. This is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINDS.

NINDS is the outreach organization of the Child Neurology Society, which provides information and education for people who are dealing with neurological conditions, and also for child neurologists and other professions in the medical field. They explore the important researches in the neurological area, specificallywhich are infantile spasms.

Infantile spasms, also known as West syndrome, are common epilepsy syndromes that usually begin in the infancy phase, between four to eight months. It is characterized by flexion of the my future job essay or neck, my future job essay, arms and legs.

Unfortunately, not many people know about what triggers these infantile spasms. There are several different treatments for the disorder. One, my future job essay, known as Cortico steroids, such as prednisone is standard, but serious side effects can occur.

Also, there are several newer anti-epileptic medications, such as topiramate and vigabatrin, my future job essay. Vigabatrinhas been approved by the U. Food and Drug Administration to treat the disorder in children ages one month to two years.

I am very interested in child neurology researches. I am interested in working with experienced doctors that can influence me to become a great pediatrician. The way that this kind of research is done just fascinates me. Just knowing that research can help thousands of people is my future job essay rewarding to me, my future job essay.

Hence, one day, I would like to participate in a research study, such as one focused on infantile spasms, to discover new ways to prevent, my future job essay, diagnose, and treat this disorder and maybe one day help find a cure for it.

Overall, in my opinion, not everyone can become a pediatrician. For this profession, you must have a special treatment, my future job essay, patience, and kindness to patients, and at the same time, the ability to make decisions quickly.

A pediatrician certainly should be a person that devotes all of his or her life to the profession with hard work and motivation. for the field. A person who understands the importance and seriousness of the profession is ideal. Pediatricians perform heroic deeds every single day. So, there needs to be extraordinary people that can do this rewarding career and help to leadprovide a healthier future for the children all over of the world.

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What is your dream job? - Cecilie Johnsrud - TEDxYouth@FortWorth

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Future Job Free Essay Sample

my future job essay

Motivation Affect My Future Career. this essay I will be talking about motivation, and how it will affect my future career. We know that there are three different types of motivations and also types of behaviors. Motivations , , but Daniel Pink says there is a fourth. Motivations , this motivation deals with intrinsic desire  · I want in my future job to be able to use my initiative, feel freedom and independent, gain self satisfaction and get well-paid. Moreover, I want to have an excitement and continuance interest rather than routine job, which brings boredom and kills motivations and developments. I would like my future job to be in the education sector My Future Career Essay Words | 5 Pages. paper will provide an outline about my future career choices, which are to be an author (or creative writer) and a professional dancer. In the following pages, I will show that my personality traits and the skills that I have are perfect for my career(s) and they will insure that I will be happy

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