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Democracy in india essay

Democracy in india essay

democracy in india essay

 · Essay on Democracy in India Words in English Types of Democracy in India. There are necessarily two types of Political system that are implemented around the world. Importance of Democracy in Indian Politics. Indian democratic government is represented through the peaceful combination Effects Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Democracy in India operates on five important principles: 1. Sovereign: In our country, we Indians are the supreme power and are not controlled by any other foreign power. 2. Socialist: There is economic and social equality promised to every citizen of India. 3. Secular: Every Indian citizen has the Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · Long and Short Essay on Democracy in India in English. Democracy in India Essay 1 ( words) Democracy is a system of government that allows the citizens to cast vote and elect a government of their Democracy in India Essay 2 ( words) Democracy in India Essay 3 ( words) Democracy in India Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

Essay on Democracy in India: 8 Selected Essays on Democracy in India

Essay on Democracy in India! These essay will also guide you to learn about the introduction, history, importance, democracy in india essay, types, working and effects of democracy in India. Contents List of Essays on Democracy in India Essay on Democracy in India — Short Essay for Children Essay 1 — Words Essay on Democracy in India — 10 Lines on Democracy written in English Essay 2 — Words Essay on Democracy in India Essay 3 — Words Essay on Democracy in India — What is Democracy Essay 4 — Words Essay on Democracy in India — For School Students Class 6, 7 and 8 Essay 5 — Words Essay on Democracy in India — For College Students Essay 6 — Words Essay on Democracy in Indian Constitution Essay 7 — Words Essay on Democracy in india essay in India — Long Essay for Competitive Exams like IAS, IPS Civil Services and UPSC Essay 8 — Words.

India is the largest country in the world that follows the Democratic form of government. With a population of over a billion, India is a secular, socialistic, republic, and democratic country in the world. India is considered as the lighthouse that guides the democratic movement in the African—Asian countries. Democracy in India is backed by our written Constitution which consists of a list of all fundamental laws upon which our nation is to be governed.

January 26, the day on which our Constitution came into effect is celebrated as Republic Day and it was on this day that Democracy truly entered India. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard and college students.

Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. Democracy in India can be defined as a government by the people, of the people and for the people. In India the government is formed by the citizens through their elected representatives.

In a democracy at least the fundamental rights of the individuals are guaranteed. The five principles by which the democracy in India works are Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic. Some of the areas in which the Democracy in India can be improved include the eradication of poverty, encouraging people to vote and educate them about choosing the appropriate candidate, increasing literacy etc.

Democracy in India is one of the biggest in the world and is celebrated worldwide. Given the wide range of culture and diversity, the need of the hour is that democracy is upheld without losing the diverse heritage of which the country is proud of. Democracy in India would be smooth when the emotions of every culture is acknowledged. India is the largest democracy in the world. The citizens of the country who are above 18 years of age, elect their representatives in the Lok Sabha via secret ballots general elections.

They are elected for democracy in india essay period of democracy in india essay years and ministers are chosen from the elected representatives. India became a democratic nation in and thereafter the leaders were elected by the people of India.

This democracy in india essay, the citizens can make an informed choice in selecting a particular representative. The government is run by the people and it if for the people. The model of Indian democracy is followed by the entire Afro-Asian countries. Our form of democracy in India is much different from democracy of other nations like England and USA. Although the democracy in India is much advanced, there are still some drawbacks which affect the healthy functioning of the system.

These include religion and ignorance. Although we say India is a secular country, but there are still people present who believe in treating people from different religions differently. We have advanced from the ancient traditions like Sati but now a days, people kill each other over killing of Cow, which is considered as a sacred animal for Hindus.

Other than these, much work needs to be done to reduce and eliminate poverty, illiteracy and gender discrimination among a list of many others. A democratic country is one whose government is made of the people, elected by the people to serve the people.

The Indian country is governed by a parliamentary system of governance which follows the constitution of India. During the past 70 years, India has held regular elections for the legislative and parliamentary assemblies, reflecting the power of the election commission, democracy in india essay, who is regarded as the powerful authority, democracy in india essay. Democracy in India has a very strong foundation that runs deep into the cultural and moral ethics.

Thanks to the efficient leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, etc. a Secular — A place where people are bestowed with the freedom of religion, democracy in india essay, to follow a religion of their own choice. b Social — Providing equality to everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, democracy in india essay, color, gender, and other differences. d Democratic — A country where the government is made for the people, by the people of the country with the representatives of people.

e Republic — No hierarchy is followed while the head of the country is elected by regular elections and the power changes at a regular period of interval. While democracy in India is effective, we have a long way to go to become a successful democratic country. Illiteracy, poverty, discrimination, and other social issues should be eradicated completely to enjoy the real fruit of democracy in India.

The best definition of democracy has been described as the government of the people, democracy in india essay, by the people and for the people. India became a sovereign democratic nation back in the year and the country is still on the roads to development.

In true terms, democracy in India would mean a country wherein people can find quality and they have the freedom to express themselves. The ideal nation is going to be truly democratic and this leaves us with a baffling question. Is democracy in India truly established? Given the state of turmoil which our nation is in, democracy in india essay, the question indeed has a palpable and sorry answer, democracy in india essay.

To be honest, if democracy in India was legit, people will have the power to choose their destiny, democracy in india essay. While we do have a voting system in place which gives people the power to elect their representative, it is often seen to be grossly misused. If we want the largest democracy of the world to truly live up to the meaning of democracy; it is important to both educate and enlighten the masses.

More and more people need to understand the power that has been vested in them. When the commoners understand the kind of influence they can have as far as choosing their political leader is concerned; it might help them think meticulously before putting in the vote and can sanctify the meaning of democracy in India. There are so many people who do not even bother to register a vote. Are they not bothered about the outcome and progress of their nation?

Unless, the right measures democracy in india essay taken to truly educate the mass about how democracy in India is the glorious future we should all dream of, things democracy in india essay least likely to change, democracy in india essay.

So, it is important now to handle the flaws in the democracy in India. The seeds of corruption have been very deeply set in our country and one needs to do something as a start to combat the problem. It is easy to whine and very hard to put up a fight. So, the right thing which you should do is ensure that you do your bit for the sake of improving the state of affairs of the country.

Give in your best shot and be hopeful that things will change for the good as far as democracy in India is concerned. When the people of the country start taking an active part in the welfare of the state, we will achieve the true meaning of democracy in India.

Demos means People and Kratos means Power. The emphasis on people clearly shows that Democracy is a people-centric form of government. Many consider it to be a superior form of governance as it ensures social and economic equality of every citizen in the country. In India, a Democratic government was formed only after its freedom from the British rule in However, the practices of a Democratic system in India go way back.

Both Rigveda and Atharvaveda have references of a system where the people gather as a whole and elect Kings. In Direct Democracy, all the people come together in a single place to elect the governing democracy in india essay themselves.

This is possible for small cities where the population is less and everybody can gather together at one place. Even today, democracy in india essay, Switzerland exercises a Direct Democracy system.

Indirect Democracy is exercised in countries where there is huge population, making it difficult for all to gather at one place. In this case, people elect representatives who in turn elect the governing executive. Hence democracy in india essay India, Indirect Democracy is practiced, democracy in india essay. Sovereign: In our country, we Indians are the supreme power and are not controlled by any other foreign power, democracy in india essay.

Republic: Supreme power is held by the people and their nominated representatives, instead of a hereditary king. India has a Federal government where there are separate State governments which come under a single Central government.

Indian citizens elect their leaders by the system of voting. Both State and Central elections happen once in five years. Every citizen above the age of eighteen years has the right to vote irrespective of caste, color, creed, religion, gender and education.

Any citizen has the right to stand as a candidate for the post of President and Prime Minister irrespective of religion, gender and education. Elections happen through secret ballots. People elect their representatives of the State who in-turn elect the Head of State, the Chief Minister. Similarly, the public elect the members of the Parliament who in turn elect the Prime Minister.

Democracy in India has succeeded on contrary to the beliefs of many political scientists. Today, democracy in india essay, India is a pioneer of Democracy in Asia and all other Asian and African countries look up to us for Democratic inspirations.

India is a democratic nation, democracy in india essay. So, if we truly want our nation to be democratic and preserve the value of this term, it signifies the fact that the common people should all be a part of the development of the nation. The government should so function that their decisions help in the betterment of the country and the citizens.

A lot of people argue as to whether or not we are truly democratic, we need to know that there is still a long way to go. As per the books of law and the great Indian constitution, we can see that we are one of the leading democratic countries.

However, if you decide to go beyond the books, you will perceive the change. There is a long way to go because democracy has a wider and deeper meaning. Democracy means that people elect the representatives who in turn take charge of the nation and help in the betterment and upliftment of the citizens. While in India, which is a top democratic country, we do have the power to elect our representatives, there is still a lot which needs to be done, democracy in india essay.

Our elected representatives do not understand the importance of the office they are holding. This is why the country has democracy in india essay to make the kind of progress which it may have otherwise made. Along with this, it is also seen that there are a lot of unscrupulous means which are often used for the sake of electing representatives.

Essay on Democracy in India in English by Rashmi Sudev Menon,

, time: 5:38

Long and Short Essay on Democracy in India in English for Children and Students

democracy in india essay

 · Essay on Democracy in India Words in English Types of Democracy in India. There are necessarily two types of Political system that are implemented around the world. Importance of Democracy in Indian Politics. Indian democratic government is represented through the peaceful combination Effects Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins  · Long and Short Essay on Democracy in India in English. Democracy in India Essay 1 ( words) Democracy is a system of government that allows the citizens to cast vote and elect a government of their Democracy in India Essay 2 ( words) Democracy in India Essay 3 ( words) Democracy in India Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · Essay on Democracy in India – First of all, democracy refers to a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. Democracy holds a special place in India. Furthermore, India without a doubt is the biggest democracy in the world. Also, the democracy of India is derived from the constitution of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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