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Writing an exploratory essay

Writing an exploratory essay

writing an exploratory essay

Exploratory essays are written to shown an objective, unbiased point of view. You cannot voice a personal opinion, be it positive or negative, as you look at the problem from both sides. Another striking feature of an exploratory essay is the target audience.5/5(5) These paragraphs should include the following: Introduction of source (title, author, type of media, publisher, publication date, etc.) and why you chose to use it in Important information you found in the source regarding your problem Why the information is important and dependable in relation Nov 10,  · There are three things you need to do in the introduction: Grab the reader's interest in the arguable issue. Use one of the introductory techniques in the table to explain the Make sure the reader understands the issue and why it is important (some issues need lots of Author: Virginia Kearney

Exploratory Essay Writing: Definition, Topics & Outline | HandMadeWriting

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Exploratory essays don't take a position. Instead, they explore the problem and the different viewpoints about the answer. Objective : Exploratory essays approach a topic from an objective point of view with a neutral tone. Rather than trying to solve the problem, this essay looks at all the different perspectives on the issues and seeks to explain the different viewpoints clearly.

Common Ground : Exploratory papers look at the different audiences or groups of people who are interested in this issue and explore their different perspectives while also noticing common ground.

Three or More Points of View: Sometimes writing an exploratory essay are two sides of an issue that are most often expressed and which polarize debate. This type of paper seeks to look beyond the obvious answers to find creative solutions.

For example, on the illegal immigration topic, an exploratory paper could consider not only the liberal and conservative political views but also look at the argument from writing an exploratory essay point of view of immigrants or border patrol employees. How beneficial is weightlifting to a healthy life? Do protein drinks help people build muscles?

How much exercise do you really need to do? Skeeze, CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Define and describe the issue and present the arguable question introduction. Analyze the rhetorical situation of the issue, including Text, Reader, Author, writing an exploratory essay, Constraints and Exigence see below on outline body part one.

Does military discipline need to be strict to work? Does service in the military make a man or woman a better citizen? What can be done to eliminate sexual harassment in the military? skeeze, CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Enduring issues are ones which people continue to care about over time. Enduring issues concern claims of fact, definition, value, cause and polity. They concern our need for good government, quality of life, social justice and personal rights, writing an exploratory essay.

What makes a person ready to leave for college? How should college students decide a major? Geralt CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. The body of this type of essay has two parts. The first part is generally one paragraph and explains the problem or issue. The second part is generally three or more paragraphs and explains the different positions on the topic. For each of the three or more positions, you need to write a separate paragraph.

In each paragraph:. You can also do some contrast and comparision between the positions. That makes an especially effective transition. For example:. In contrast to the idea that homelessness is caused by a lack of homes, faith-based homeless agencies often argue that there are relationship issues which are at the heart of the problem.

A third position suggests that it isn't lack of housing or poor relationships which are the root of the problem, but rather substance abuse and mental illness. Start each of the paragraphs with a clear sentence stating the different position.

Here are examples of how to begin each paragraph:. What is this point of writing an exploratory essay Which articles can you use for this point of view? What part of the article is helpful? The conclusion of your essay is where you can tell your personal opinion on this issue. Writing an exploratory essay can also explain why you are interested in this particular topic. Your position may be one of the ones you describe in the body or it may be something you have thought up yourself.

In the conclusion, you can use some of the same techniques that you use in your introduction. Here are some other ideas:. After you have written your outline, writing an exploratory essay, get some help by practicing talking about your paper idea in a small group, or in front of the whole class. Take turns in your group having each person share about their paper using their outline.

Then the group can respond to questions, comments, and suggestions, writing an exploratory essay. It helps if you write down your comments so the person can remember. In my class, I hand out these questions, or sometimes write them on the board and have students choose one or two to answer, writing an exploratory essay.

Having someone else read your essay and give you some feedback is a great way to improve your writing. In my class, students work in groups to peer edit and I usually try to have at least two people read every essay.

If your class does not do that, you can arrange it on your own by having a friend or even your parents look over your essay, writing an exploratory essay. Here is the peer editing worksheet I use in my class. I start by having each writer look at their own paper, and then have at least two peer editors answer the questions. Most of the time, students are asked to write argument papers that present a particular point of view and attempt to persuade the writing an exploratory essay. Sometimes that makes this writing assignment seem confusing.

Here is the difference between this assignment and an argument paper:. Argument Essays focus on proving one point of view : An argument or position essay seeks to come to a conclusion and convince the audience which side of the issue is correct.

Writing an exploratory essay emphasis in an argument paper is on the side the author wants to prove is best or right, so while the paper may talk about other views, most of the paper is spent proving one point of view. Exploratory essays look at several points of view in a neutral way.

Rather than trying to solve the problem, this sort of paper explores the different perspectives of the problem and seeks to understand the cultural and social context of the issue. It is the sort of paper you would write before writing a solution paper. An exploratory paper is common in businesses when they are attempting to find writing an exploratory essay solution to a problem and need to get all of the possible perspectives and information available.

Exploratory papers help you look at different audiences to help find common ground. This paper also explores the different audiences or groups of people who are concerned about this issue, writing an exploratory essay, giving their different viewpoints on the cause, effects, and solutions proposed.

In order to do this paper, you may want to narrow the issue you are thinking about so that you can cover the idea more effectively. Exploratory papers should examine at least three points of view : Sometimes there are two sides of an issue which are most often expressed and which polarize writing an exploratory essay debate.

In an exploratory paper, you are asked to look beyond the obvious answers in order to find other points of view which can sometimes help in solving the problem. For example, in looking at the issue of illegal immigration, you can examine the conservative and liberal political views, but you can also look at the viewpoint of the illegal immigrants themselves, the viewpoint of the government that the illegal immigrants come from, and the viewpoints of the people who live on both sides of the border where illegal immigrants cross.

You might also consider the viewpoint of the border patrol employees. The conclusion of an exploratory paper can writing an exploratory essay your opinion: You will explore at least three sides of the issue, giving fair treatment to each side.

However, in the conclusion of the paper, you will indicate your own position and why you are persuaded in that direction. Photo CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Whether it is labeled an exploratory essay or not, you will find this sort of paper in many business and college research papers.

The basic point of this paper is to let you examine all the different viewpoints on an issue. Here are some examples of exploratory questions:. By looking at three or more viewpoints, you can get a better understanding of the different audiences for an issue and better understand how a solution or compromise might be developed. Question: What do you think of the topic, "Why do opposites attract?

Does marrying someone who is opposite in personality to you produce a successful relationship? Question: "What impact does the Olympics have on urban residents? Does "multiculturalism" in the classroom result in students who are more accepting of others? Answer: Since divorce is such a common recent experience in many families, writing an exploratory essay, exploring the different ideas on how it affects family members can make a good paper. Along with your question, writing an exploratory essay, you could do:.

Answer: Actually almost all news articles are exploratory essays, or at least the ideal news article is one that gives the facts and opinions of all sides. It would be very helpful for young adults to learn to approach an issue by looking at it from as many different angles as possible.

Hi Sharon! Welcome back to the classroom. I'm so glad this has helped you. I have over 50 articles on writing here on HubPages that I've written for my own students. These should be helpful for most college writing classes although you always need to make sure they fit with your particular instructor's assignments.

Hope you do very well this semester! This is extremely helpful for me as a student. I've been out of school for quite some time. Unfortunately, not all instructors are the same. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Aubria--thanks for your comment. I do understand that sometimes we need students to be tested for their own ability to write without help, writing an exploratory essay.

Expository Essay Example - Step by step

, time: 9:29

How to write an exploratory essay. Writing guide

writing an exploratory essay

Nov 10,  · There are three things you need to do in the introduction: Grab the reader's interest in the arguable issue. Use one of the introductory techniques in the table to explain the Make sure the reader understands the issue and why it is important (some issues need lots of Author: Virginia Kearney Exploratory essays are written to shown an objective, unbiased point of view. You cannot voice a personal opinion, be it positive or negative, as you look at the problem from both sides. Another striking feature of an exploratory essay is the target audience.5/5(5) These paragraphs should include the following: Introduction of source (title, author, type of media, publisher, publication date, etc.) and why you chose to use it in Important information you found in the source regarding your problem Why the information is important and dependable in relation

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