Piracy Essay. Words9 Pages. Piracy Piracy is the unauthorized copying, counterfeiting or distribution of software. Piracy is essentially stealing someone else's intellectual property. The five most common types of software piracy are end user piracy, client-server overuse, Internet piracy, hard disk loading, and software counterfeiting Essay on Software Piracy. Words10 Pages. Software Piracy. Software piracy is the copying and reselling of software without the consent of the software creator. It is the copying and reuse of software by large corporations. It is copying software and distributing it on the Web Juan Chavarria and Robert Morrison point out in their essay Revisiting Software Piracy Using GLOBE Cultural Practices that “there are nations that do not seem to adopt effective practices to control software piracy which may be part of an attitude to allow its society to have access to technology.”
Software Piracy - Words | Report Example
Following years of significant investments in software innovation, extraordinary technological progresses currently are changing every facet of our lives, growing the economy, and greatly improving lives. However, these achievements are threatened and eroded by software piracy.
It includes intentional copying of specific software by an individual or business. Though software piracy is a global affair, available figures indicate that the problem is more established in developing nations.
A study to investigate the state of software piracy in the Asia-Pacific region revealed low rates of piracy incidences in developed countries like Japan, Australia and New Zealand and high rates in developing nations like China and Vietnam Lau, Technological ease i.
This paper examines the modes of software piracy, the reasons behind it, who are the offenders, the cost of such actions, and how and who to control them.
Emphasis is given on factors or attitudes that account for the predominance of the vice in developing nations and on the corollaries of software piracy, especially economic losses. BSA has identified five types of software piracy.
The first one is end-user piracy that involves a person replicating copies of software unauthorized. The second type client-server overuse where many people, beyond the licensed number, use a main copy of the program at the same time. The third one is internet exchange or downloading of unapproved copies of copyrighted programs from the net.
The fourth type software piracy essay hard disk downloading by computer venders who illegally copy software into machines in order to attract customers. The fifth type is the commercial counterfeiting of software with the goal of imitating the copyrighted software Business Software Alliance, In hard-disk transfer and counterfeiting, a legal copy of the software is reproduced and circulated to a large number of PCs as if it were a legitimate software application.
Several reasons have been suggested to explain software piracy behavior. Many individuals until now seem to be uninformed about or are confused about the laws software piracy essay software piracy. The confusion typically stems from the fact that many venders permit differing amounts of copying for backups and other uses. In addition, some have supported copying, with a reason that those who are introduced to the software would become purchasers. How this translates into increased software purchases is a subject of debate since the users get the software, thus reducing their demand for it.
Others argue that software piracy is acceptable, especially if it is software piracy essay purposes of evaluating the software or when there are no monetary gains. Closely linked to this reason is the social acceptance of the malpractice.
In many developing nations, software piracy essay, the idea of copyright is vaguely understood and accepted. Thus, those involved in software piracy do not have the knowledge of software piracy essay consequences of their actions.
The initiatives to tackle this ignorance are lacking and if the policies are present, they only exist on papers. The total cost of software ownership — the purchase price, the cost sustained in ensuring that the software installation does not lead to an unstable computing environment, the cost to learn to use the software to its full potential, and in making it work with other software — may be high and prohibitive to many consumers.
A substantial body of empirical evidence indicates that the price of software is a leading determinant of piracy. The uniform pricing policy mainly accounts for the wide disparity software piracy essay piracy rates across countries, as many people in developing nations resort to cheap counterfeits. Lenient laws, regulations, and policies contribute to increased illegal acquisition of software. In addition, the problem of corrupt law enforcement systems, especially in developing countries makes it difficult to bring illegal software consumers to accountability.
That is so because corruption becomes an obstacle to crack down any social, legal and economic evils in such an establishment. Other reasons for the predominance of piracy include not being aware of the procedure of buying software, interest in one feature of the software, and not being able to justify the whole software cost Crittenden et al.
In addition, the need to have the software at home to complete chores instead of staying late at work or school and accessing the software to benefit the family or the community also contributes to piracy Crittenden et software piracy essay. Software piracy is a global affair and, sad to note, involves many people. In fact, software piracy essay, there is a high prospect that most computer-literate persons were at one point in life engaged in this malpractice.
The continuum of software pirates is wide spanning from students, cyber cafes, software piracy essay, company managers, owners of private PCs and large business organizations. Research reveals that software piracy is linked to culture, software piracy essay.
Those societies that uphold capitalism as the overriding moral philosophy North America, and Western Europe appreciate that the software manufacturers are in business for profit and that software piracy essay created fund the endless cycle of next-generation software. Undoubtedly, software piracy has vivid, negative economic impacts for the manufacturers and distributors struggling to compete in a competitive global market space.
Companies that use dishonestly obtained software put more scrupulous competing companies and countries at a disadvantage. The pirating companies both foreign and local benefit from the unfair advantage that accrues from the use of stolen information technology by illegally chopping their costs. Piracy also leads to additional monetary lose in unpaid value added taxes.
A pie chart showing the monetary competitive disadvantage suffered by the four most vibrant economies in the world because of piracy Meisner, The same data can software piracy essay represented in a table format as shown below. Pirated software is likely to be unreliable and insecure. The user is at software piracy essay risk of viruses and fatal system crash because of corrupted and defective software.
Again, the users lose since they do not enjoy the full benefits of technical support, warranty coverage, or product improvement information. Software piracy also benefits scofflaws instead of those who worked hard to create it. It endangers the future growth and development of the IT industry, which in turn unduly affects countries with the highest piracy incidences.
Software piracy discourages software developers as they gain very little from their effort, software piracy essay. It hampers research and development. Indubitably, these companies cannot commit software piracy essay sums of money in the development of software in environments where piracy and counterfeits are the order of the day.
Software firms and the governments can explore numerous options to protect intellectual property rights. To start with, there is a necessity to reinforce the existing copyright laws software piracy essay order to discourage consumers from committing software piracy.
Practical methods as copyright protection software piracy essay and reactive responses such as closing service to illegal web distributors can be effected.
Deterrent measures emerge from the legal defense extended to creators of intellectual property from the laws that are aimed at rewarding and fostering innovation. Deterrent control covers informative, investigative, software piracy essay, and legal campaigns to enforce the law and dissuade consumers from engaging in the act of piracy.
It aims software piracy essay increasing both the likelihood of detection of illegal activity and the severity of punishment when caught. This research paper shows that the importance of the software industry is immense and that piracy continues to threaten these benefits. In order to optimize these benefits and ensure that they reach the right persons toiling for them, software piracy essay, there is a need to develop mechanisms that incorporate cultural and ideological differences, and consider diverse modulating variables that influence piracy rates globally.
Nill, Software piracy essay. Factors That Influence Software Piracy: A view From Germany. Communications of the ACM, 53 6 Gopal, R. Trading Higher Software Piracy for Higher Profits: The Case of Phantom Piracy. Management Science, 56 11 Lau, E.
An Empirical Study of Software Piracy. Business Ethics: A European Review, software piracy essay, 12 3 Meisner, J. Microsoft Examines the Financial Harm of Software Piracy on Play Fair Day. Crittenden, W. Hard Facts About Software Piracy. Business Strategy Review, software piracy essay, 20 5 Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a referencing style:. Problems of the Software Piracy, software piracy essay.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that software piracy essay agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents, software piracy essay. Introduction Forms of Software Piracy Software piracy essay for Piracy The Perpetrators Negative Impacts of Piracy How to Control Software Piracy Conclusion References.
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What Is Software Piracy
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Juan Chavarria and Robert Morrison point out in their essay Revisiting Software Piracy Using GLOBE Cultural Practices that “there are nations that do not seem to adopt effective practices to control software piracy which may be part of an attitude to allow its society to have access to technology.” Software Piracy Persuasive Essay. by Simba | Oct 7, | blog. There have been Indian troopers almost everywhere, they had surrounded the palace, [ ]rnrnAdvertising Essay () Psychology Essay (22) Administration Essay (70) Advertising and marketing Essay (35) Arithmetic Essay (one) Media Essay (seven) Medication Essay (14) Audio Essay Piracy Essay. Words9 Pages. Piracy Piracy is the unauthorized copying, counterfeiting or distribution of software. Piracy is essentially stealing someone else's intellectual property. The five most common types of software piracy are end user piracy, client-server overuse, Internet piracy, hard disk loading, and software counterfeiting
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