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Meaning and Concept of rural development: Improvement of sanitation and for the improvement of sanitation, arrangements for supply of pure drinking water should be made. Tube-wells and ponds should be dug. Education of the masses, Mass education should be introduced to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins · Introduction Rural development has been the driving aim of agriculture and agricultural development in developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa; without rural development, agricultural development will be irrelevant. Evidently, majority of the farmers produce at the subsistence or smallholder level, with sustainable agriculture being uncommon · PhD Essay business Developments Rural Development. Get help from a subject expert in 3 hours It’s fast! Hire verified expert. Last Updated 27 Jul Rural Development. Category Developments. Essay type Research. Words (2 pages) Views Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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Rural Development. Essay No. Rural India is where three-fourths of our countrymen live. The nation can therefore be strong and prosperous only when all villages are freed from backwardness and poverty. The Government of India is committed to the cause of bringing about rapid and sustainable development in the rural areas.
The Ministry of Rural Development is engaged in implementing a number of schemes which aim at enabling rural people to improve their living standards. Education, removal of poverty and speedy socio-economic progress is the goal with which the development programmes are being implemented through a multi pronged strategy, reaching out to the most disadvantaged sectors of society Huge priority is being accorded to provide clean drinking water, rural housing and road.
The social security programmes are being implemented for providing assistance to the destitute and downtrodden. Assistance and encouragement to voluntary agencies and training of functionaries forms rural development essay of the emphasis on accelerated rural development. Rural development essay ministry is constantly endeavouring to empower the Panchayt Raj institutions in terms of functions, power and finance. In the rural development essay initiative the Gram sabha has become rural development essay most significant institutions.
Non-Government Organisations self help group and Panchayati Raj institutions have been rural development essay adequate role to make rural development essay democracy meaningful and effective. Development of waste lands desert and drought prone areas has also been undertaken along with land reforms. By way of holistic approach to the task of ensuring a sustainable development of land Rural Development Ministry has created two department viz.
Department of Land Resources and Department of Drinking Water Supply in addition to the Department of Rural Development. This will facilitate coordinated policy interventions as well as quality improvement in the related development schemes. Keeping in view the betterment of backward and the most backward sections of the society in rural areas of the country, rural development essay, Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has been implemented through a parliamentary Act.
Under the scheme, a person under a rural development essay household will get day employment work with a wage of Rs.
All the existing employment schemes of the central government will merge into this mega rural development essay. Initially this scheme has been implemented in districts of the country. To ensure that maximum benefits of the programmes accrue to the people in villages the ministry has adopted a four pronged strategy of creating awareness about the programmes, ensuring transparency in them encouraging peoples participation in the development process and promoting concept of social audit for accountability.
The allocation of funds for rural development has been stepped up from Rs, rural development essay. The Ministry has a plan allocation of Rs. This includes Rs. According to planning commission estimates, some 10 crore people who are below the poverty line would be living in undivided Bihar and Orissa.
Total number of people who fall into the category of poor would be 22 crore at the end of the 10th plan period. Poverty levels would continue to reign high in these four states despite substantial rural development essay in the percentage of poor population. Rural poverty will continue to be higher than urban poverty. The national average for rural poverty has been pegged at Considering that a significant portion of India lives is rural areas, in absolute numbers about 17 crore people in rural areas would remain poor in In comparison the number for urban areas is pegged at a little under 5 crore people.
States such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi would have higher ratio of urban poor than rural poor in Improvement of Village Panchayats — The 73rd constitutional amendment inwhich conferred constitutional status on the Panchayti Raj Institution was considered to be means of decentralization and more effective delivery of rural development initiatives, rural development essay.
A decades down the line through the required institutional framework has been put in place in nearly all the states rural development essay the extent of decentralization attained is only modest. The issue is partly related to the peculiar aspects of the fiscal position of local bodies. While they are expected to take up a largest share of development activities in a decentralised framework, their own revenue mobilisation capacity does not grow correspondingly.
Apart from this fiscal issue the autonomy of local body gets affected by the inadequacy of powers transferred to them by the state government.
A working group of the planning commission for the Tenth Plan period also observed that through the progress on political devolution the PRIs in terms of election has been well established. The Gram Sabha in most Panchayti Raj acts have been entrusted with only ceremonial functions. Thus the goal of decentralised planning is still far from being realised. The working group has therefore suggested that the powers and functions of the local bodies should be enlarged significantly.
It has also recommended greater power of taxation and avenues for non-tax revenue to these bodies and provision of united grants. Rural lives in villages. The vast majority of India living in rural areas cannot be taken lightly in any planning aimed at socio-economic development of the country. It is now increasingly being felt that no planning can be successful unless more and more attention is paid rural development essay rural development schemes and poverty alleviation programmes.
Therefore, rural development essay, many new schemes to ameliorate the conditions of the rural population are being launched, and the old ones are being completed expeditiously. The implementation of various community development programmes in the first three Five Year Plans and specific poverty alleviation and unemployment removal programmes during the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Five Year Plans have gone a long way in the upliftment of the masses in the villages.
The quantum of financial assistance and allocation under the Ninth Five Year Plan was rural development essay substantially and many major structural changes have been effected to achieve the targeted goals of rural development, poverty alleviation and employment generation schemes. Consequently, the number of beneficiaries is rising rapidly, rural development essay. The Constitutional sanction granted to gram panchayats, etc.
has further boosted the morale of rural institutions. Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP is a major instrument to alleviate rural poverty. The main objectives of IRDP are to raise families of the identified target group above the poverty line and create substantial opportunities of self-employment in the villages, rural development essay. The funds for this programme are shared between the Centre and the states.
In case of the Union Territories, complete financial assistance is provided by the Centre. The scheme is being implemented through the District Rural Development Agency DRDA and block level functionaries at the grass root levels. At the level of the state, there is a co-ordination committee headed by the chief secretary to look after its overall implementation. IRDP was first launched in in 2, blocks and, was extended to cover all the 5, blocks of the country from October 2, rural development essay, The scheme, meant to improve the social and economic condition of the poorest of the rural poor, is being evaluated through research conducted by independent and government institutions.
The major impact of the scheme is that it benefits the poorest and the most deprived sectors of the society. The families eligible for help under the scheme are those where the annual family income is less than Rs.
It also includes families of small and marginal farmers whose operational holding is less than 5 acres of land. The final selection of these poor families is done through grain panchayats and gramsabhas.
Special attention is being paid to women. They are organised in groups for productive activities. These groups are given training and provided with suitable monetary help for increasing their family income. Then there is the National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Rural development essay TRYSEMlaunched as a centrally-sponsored scheme on 15 August, The main emphasis of the scheme is on equipping rural youth, in the age group of years, with necessary skills and technology to take up vocations for self-employment in agriculture and allied activities, industry, services and business.
There are some special schemes to improve the lot of rural women and children, under which groups of rural women are formed for carrying on income generating activities. Each group is sanctioned a revolving fund of Rs. In case of states, the fund is shared equally by the Centre, state government and UNICEF, while in the Union Territories, the Centre bears Rs.
UNICEF also bears the expenditure on the staff component for a period of six years. The scheme has taken significant strides since its beginning in Similarly, various pilot projects have been launched to generate employment.
These include Crash Scheme for Rural Employment CSREPilot Intensive Rural Employment Programme PIREP and National Rural Employment Programme. These schemes and programmes specifically aim at generating additional gainful employment opportunities, creation of durable community assets and improvement of overall quality of life in the rural areas.
To improve the lot of landless labourers, the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme RLEGP was launched in The programme guarantees employment to at least one member of every landless labour family up to days in a year. The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana is an ambitious programme being implemented through the village panchayats.
It seeks to guarantee employment to at least one person in a rural household living below the poverty line. It was launched in Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, launched in Aprilis a new scheme for rural development. The budget for the year was again a village-oriented one: in which many gifts were given to the rural masses. It envisaged establishment of Rural Infrastructure Development fund, a technological development and modernisation fund for small scale industries, with Rs.
It also proposed to set up an exclusive line of credit of Rs. There is also a proposal to begin a Group Life Insurance Scheme of the LIC to be implemented by the panchayats in rural areas. The liberal package for the rural poor and vulnerable sections of the village society is laudable, but the main problem is that all the benefits do not reach the targeted poor people.
Much of the funds are misappropriated by intermediaries responsible for the implementation of these packages. India is a vast country containing more than five lakh villages, rural development essay. Seventy percent of the population of India lives in villages. Therefore, the welfare of our country lies in the welfare of our villages. Rural development essay country cannot develop as long as our villages remain backward.
It is a matter of shame that even after rural development essay than forty years of independence, our villages continue to be backward and under-developed, rural development essay. Our villages do not have even the basic amenities of life, rural development essay. There are no good schools, no hospitals and no good roads. Even drinking water and electricity are not available there.
There is no sanitation. Most of our villages have no drains. People continue to live in the most unhygienic condition, rural development essay.
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· PhD Essay business Developments Rural Development. Get help from a subject expert in 3 hours It’s fast! Hire verified expert. Last Updated 27 Jul Rural Development. Category Developments. Essay type Research. Words (2 pages) Views Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins · Rural development essay / composition: Bangladesh is a land of villages. There are about 87, villages in our country. More than 85 percent of our population live in villages. So, it is clear to us that the development of Bangladesh entirely depends on the prosperity of the villages and the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · 10 Lines on Agriculture and Rural Development Essay Agriculture is the backbone of our nation’s economy More than 50% of India’s population resides in its rural parts India is the second-largest producer of agricultural products in the world and all the credits go to rural India Rural India needs Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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