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Mistaken identity essay

Mistaken identity essay

mistaken identity essay

 · Mistaken Identity (Short Story) Rusher Directioner4Life. Logan Dawson stood at the front gate of Twin Elms Manor, and he shivered as the cold October wind blew. The house didn't exactly look like a comfortable place to live but it was big. He heaved a heavy sigh, picked up his luggage and continued walking to the front door  · LEARN MORE. Sharon Cooper’s short comic play “Mistaken Identity” follows a dinner date set up between Kali, a young, twentysomething Hindu lesbian, and Steve, a thirtysomething Baptist with very traditional views on relationships and family. When they realize the circumstances of their situation (the date will never work due to Kali’s lesbianism, which her brother, who set up the date, Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins  · The mistaken identity in the main plot between Petruchio and Kate is the question of who the real shrew is. The audience is first led to believe that Kate is the shrew because of the way she treated everybody. Also, the comments and opinions of the other characters describe Kate to be a very stubborn and negative blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

A Case of Mistaken Identity |

Mistaken identity essay use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. It was one of those perfect summer days. The sun was shining, mistaken identity essay, the air was clear, and from the look of the crowded beach, everyone had had the same idea: swimming, mistaken identity essay.

I walked across the hot sand until I found a place mistaken identity essay put my towel. I sat down and looked around me. Everywhere people were laughing and having a good time, the mood was infectious, and I smiled. Further out, a boy of seventeen held a fully clothed girl above the waves, threatening to drop her in as she screamed and giggled and begged him not to drop her, although you could tell from her smile that she was enjoying the attention.

Much further out, three surfers sat in their wetsuits, propped up on their surfboards, waiting for that mistaken identity essay perfect wave. A sudden movement out of the corner of my eye. There, on the surface of the water. A black shape, there one minute and gone the next. But that was all it took for my blood to turn to ice. In a second, my stomach dropped and a sudden terrifying fear gripped me. I wanted to run and scream to them to get out of the water, but fear kept me routed to the spot, and the adrenalin pumping through my veins left me overwhelmed and unable to utter a single sound.

A mistaken identity essay terrifying word, first just a whisper and then screamed over the noise of the waves. Well of course not. Peter Benchley never wrote a book about the dangers of household appliances, and Stephen Spielberg never directed a movie that featured a toaster moving menacingly through the kitchen to two utterly terrifying notes, mistaken identity essay, that sped up as it got closer and closer to its unwitting target, who was happily involved in some everyday task, not knowing that their life was about to be cut short.

But, while toasters may have been a more realistic choice of nemesis, since Jaws was released inpeople from all over the world have been gripped and united by a single fear, mistaken identity essay. Nor does the fact the more people are killed each year in the U. by dogs than have been killed in the last years by sharks, mistaken identity essay. But is it just ignorance? Would things be different if people knew more about these animals? Would they care that because of the popularity in Asian countries of shark-fin soup, mistaken identity essay, and as a result the exceptionally high price of shark fins on the black market, fisherman simply pull sharks onto their boats, cut off their fins and throw them back into the water alive and completely helpless, until they bleed to death or are eaten by other sharks?

Do they realize that humans kill millions of sharks each year and that they have become so endangered that they have a lot more to fear from us, than we do from them?

The Mistaken identity essay White Shark, Carcharodon carchariashas borne the brunt of this public hatred, and has been cast, due to media sensationalism and mass ignorance, mistaken identity essay, as a mindless killing machine whose sole purpose is to hunt down and kill people who are enjoying a lovely day at the beach. Weighing in at an average of pounds and reaching a length of up to 20 feet, the Great White is the largest of the predatory fish Klimley et al. This highly adapted predator can propel itself through the water at speeds of up to 15 mistaken identity essay per hour and its mouth is lined with up mistaken identity essay serrated teeth arranged in several rows, mistaken identity essay.

It has a highly developed sense of smell and can detect a drop of blood in 25 gallons of water or from 3miles away. However, recent research has shown that this apex predator is much more fearsome in our imaginations than in reality. As sharks do not have hands, they cannot swim up to something that they see floating on top of the water and feel it and find out what it is, so their teeth are the only option. Sample-biting is therefore the only way that a shark can determine whether of not what he sees in something he wants to eat, or even just to find out what it is.

Figure 1: Showing the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carchariasand its size relative to a bus Skerry. The sharks play a very important role in marine ecosystems by keeping seal numbers under control and without them seal populations would devastate fish stocks around the world, mistaken identity essay. This highly endangered nature and the important role that they play in marine ecosystems, led to the Great White being granted protected status by South Africa in and by California and Australia inmistaken identity essay it illegal to kill Great Whites in these waters, mistaken identity essay.

Instead of fearing and killing the sharks in their waters, these countries have instead turned to shark related eco-tourism such as cage-diving, scuba diving and boat trips for tourists mistaken identity essay observe the creatures in their natural habitat.

This eco-tourism generates millions of dollars every year and has also led to a greater understanding of these top mistaken identity essay. With help of the money generated from eco-tourism, research groups have been able to focus more on the further study of the sharks, with projects now underway such as the GPS tracking of sharks migration patterns and whether or not sharks are territorial. It is hoped that other countries may grant Great Whites protected status when they realize that instead of killing sharks in their waters, they could turn them into a tourist attraction and generate vast amounts of capital to increase their annual GDP, mistaken identity essay.

Another misconception that people have about Great White Sharks is that if one is in the area, it is likely that mistaken identity essay will get attacked. The truth is that there are always sharks along the coastline and every time you get in the water there are probably at least two large sharks within 20m of you, more if you count juveniles and smaller shark species. As they are moving around, they probably come within a few meters of you at some time during your swim.

People also believe that shark nets will help to protect them from sharks, but this is not the case either. Shark nets can only be set up in calm water and are not, as most people believe, a physical barrier or fence used to keep sharks out of a swimming area. Sharks swimming in the area do not see the nets in the murky waters and so they swim into them and become entangled in them, unable to move.

The effort that the shark exerts to get free as well as the stress and the lack of oxygen kills the sharks very quickly and once dead, they remain suspended in he nets.

Other sharks in the area may come to feed off the carcasses and then become entangled themselves. Nets are lifted every 24 to 48 hours to prevent rotting of the dead animals.

Meaning the sharks had already swum under or over the net and had been swimming around near the beach before heading back out to sea when they were killed, mistaken identity essay. Worst of all, mistaken identity essay, shark nets kill thousands of other marine animals such as dolphins and turtles in by-catch each year, which become entangled in the nets and drown when they cannot get free.

In mistaken identity essay to kill a seal, the Great White attacks from below. With its dark upper body blending into the ocean floor, a seal cannot see the shark as it glides up out of the depths.

The seals dark body however, mistaken identity essay, is well contrasted against the sunlit surface waters and makes a perfect target for the shark. Aiming at the seals body from an angel of 45 — mistaken identity essay degrees Klimley et al. In False Bay in South Africa, where fur seals are its natural prey, a shark will even launch itself toward the seal with such force that it will breech and throw its whole body into the air.

Sitting in a black wetsuit on his surfboard far out in the ocean, waiting for the perfect wave to come along, it is not difficult to imagine how a shark could mistake the surfer for a seal, mistaken identity essay.

After all, they are the same size, the same color and they make the same pattern against the sunlit surface of the ocean. However, these attacks are rarely fatal and are just a case of mistaken identity. The shark may bite the surfer or his board, but will let go when he realizes that it is not the meal he ordered. Figure 3: a A Great White breeching in False Bay, South Africa and b a surfboard after an attack CBSnews.

an eating machine. We now know that it is a miracle of evolution, the apex predator of the ocean, a highly adapted, sleek and beautiful animal that as survived unchanged for millennia. They are curious and intelligent and their streamlined, powerful bodies are ideally adapted for hunting mistaken identity essay and sea lions, their main mistaken identity essay items, mistaken identity essay, and this means they fulfill an important role in marine ecosystems, regulating seal numbers which would otherwise devastate fish stocks.

We cannot claim ownership of the Oceans, as sharks were hunting in them for millions of years before we came along and therefore when we decide to use the ocean for recreation, we should do so with respect for the most highly evolved predator on the planet.

We should never let fear, ignorance and skewed perceptions of danger be used as an excuse for advocating the killing of Great White Sharks to keep our swimming beaches safer. Even Peter Benchley, the author of Jawshad a change of heart, and before he died inhe worked tirelessly as an advocate for shark mistaken identity essay. In contrast, million sharks were killed by people. The sun was shining, the air was clear, and from the look of the crowded waters, everyone had had the same idea: swimming.

I swam through the cool blue seas and enjoyed the way the sunlight played across my back, warming the cool waters around me. I looked around me. Everyone was having a good time, the mood was infectious, and I smiled. A sudden movement out of the corner of my eye, but that was all it took for my blood to turn to ice. A single terrifying word. Klimley, A. Klimley and D. Ainley, mistaken identity essay, eds. National Geographic Website. The Natal Sharks Board Website: Shark Net Information and Statistics.

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Pages: Word count: Category: Biology Identity Download Essay. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now. Figure 2: Aerial photo of Great White and Kayaker Peschak Another misconception that people have about Great White Sharks is that if one is in the area, it is likely that someone will get attacked.

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Mistaken Identity Free Essay Example

mistaken identity essay

A Case of Mistaken Identity Essay Sample. It was one of those perfect summer days. The sun was shining, the air was clear, and from the look of the crowded beach, everyone had had the same idea: swimming. I walked across the hot sand until I found a place to put my towel. I Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · A mistaken identity can mean giving the wrong treatment at the wrong time to the wrong patient, which could be disastrous or deadly. Similarly, misidentification can lead to medication errors that can also be deadly Mistaken Identity Analysis. Words 6 Pages. Show More. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is more than just a sit-com; it reveals issues that are still in the news today for example: Tulsa officer charged with manslaughter for shooting an African-American man, Shooting of Philando Castile and Tyre King (sparked Black Lives Matter)

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