Monday, May 31, 2021

Good citizen essay

Good citizen essay

good citizen essay

A good citizen always works for the unity. He should work for the unity of the country. Good will for other races, protection for the weak, help for the victims, understanding and kind consideration to his fellow citizens, are all things that are needed in a good citizen. A good citizen must have a spirit of cooperation, friendliness, and dedication for his fellow blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Good Citizen’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Good Citizen of words. This long essay about Good Citizen is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Good Citizen of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins An Individual does not need to help the country by doing multiple good things to be considered a good citizen. They could simply recycle or vote to be considered a good citizen. Civil disobedience is the active and professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Good Citizenship Essay: How To Be A Good Citizen |

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! Every citizen in our society has the right to freedom and to be happy. In order to preserve that right to be happy, you must be a virtuous citizen and fulfill and promote civil rights.

Here are three tips to follow on being a good citizen. First, it is essential to obey all the laws of the land, good citizen essay.

Secondly, you should not let your rights interfere or trample the rights of others, and lastly, you should be very community-minded in spirit, good citizen essay. deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, good citizen essay, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

Williams, With that kind of percentage, we as a society have a lot of work to do to make good citizens. We have thousands of laws on the books and new ones being written every day, good citizen essay, but without enforcement from the court system, overcrowding of our jails, and not enough reinforcement from parents to children it will never be solved.

Unless we as citizens take control of the situation, when our children are grown they will be afraid to go outside of their homes. Lastly, an as a good citizens, we ought to have good community service or spirit. What is the community spirit? Is it getting involved in the political arena? Today we as a society have about half of the registered voters that actually go to the polls and vote.

Secondly, are we helping by policing our own communities, no, only one in four neighborhoods has a neighborhood watch program. What do we not care about what happens in our neighborhoods anymore?

Good citizens should just be involved in anything that is going to have a positive outcome for his or her community. In conclusion, to enjoy the freedom and be happy as a citizen, we must all obey laws, enjoy our God-given rights without infringing on the rights of others, and commit ourselves to our communities. Citizenship starts at home with each individual creating his or her own identity and by starting with children at a young age you are teaching them right from wrong, good citizen essay.

By following the rules of society, not trampling the rights of others, and giving back to our communities, we can evolve into a society of good and productive citizens. A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen. There are many opinions as to what constitutes a good citizen. Human beings are used to living under laws and patterns that are dictated to us by society, but following those patterns does not make us good citizens.

To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person. By that, I mean that you have to be full of values, principles, ethics, etc, good citizen essay. When joining all these aspects together you will find out that there is nothing else to be needed.

One important aspect of being a good citizen is to help people. Good citizen essay around us, we can see there are always people in need of our help. Our job as good citizens is to help those kinds of people. When talking about the people that need our help, I am not only talking about the poor ones, but also the pregnant woman who cannot carry a heavy package or the old man that cannot cross the street.

Remember that little actions make the difference. There are some traits of citizenship that should be always observed, good citizen essay, the first trait of citizenship is to do your share. This simply involves taking part in things that could make the community better. To do your share you must be a volunteer — help your school and community be better, cleaner, and safer, protect the environment by conserving resources, reducing pollution, and of course cleaning up after yourself, participate in making things better by voicing your opinion, voting, serving on committees, reporting wrongdoings and paying taxes.

The second trait of citizenship is respecting authority and law. These traits are easy to follow, lots of people have become famous and made a good name of themselves in a community by observing the traits of citizenship and following by them.

Two examples of good citizens are Chief Anthony Enahoro and Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli. Chief Anthony Enahoro played a vital role in bringing political independence to Nigeria. Seven years later, his dream of Nigerian Independence became a reality.

He later promoted the unity of his country during its civil war. Influential businesswoman Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli is the founder of LEAP Africa, a leadership, management, and ethics training organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering a new generation of African leaders. The nonprofit provides coaching services, along with awards and grants for youth, good citizen essay entrepreneurs, and business owners.

Recognized as a Global Leader of Tomorrow, Nwuneli is also the founder of NIA, a nonprofit organization committed to helping young women in Southeastern Nigeria achieve their full potential. To be a good citizen is very important. There are citizens, but everybody cannot be a good citizen. A good citizen needs to absorb many qualities. That he has some duties and responsibilities to bear is true, but at the same time, he also enjoys some rights and privileges as a citizen of a free state.

While he has every right to participate in the judicial, legal, political, religious, and social affairs of the nation, he also has some responsibilities that are, not to injure the sentiments of others and to protect the weak against the strong.

To stand by state, under all the constitution, is his first and primary duty which he must perform. A good citizen must be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his motherland.

He is also required to be a patriot and nationalist. He should have firm and deep faith in the welfare of his motherland. He has to obey law and order. But he has to also keep in his heart, the good of the country, the welfare of the state, and the good of the society. A good citizen must respect the cultural heritage of his country. He will have to respect the heroes, the prophet, the sages, and saints of his country. He must respect the race which has given him birth. He must always keep in mind the future of his country.

He must raise the standard of living if his country by working honestly and should always be honest towards his duty. At the time of hostility from foreigners, he must be ready to shed his blood for the sake of his motherland, good citizen essay.

As a result, good citizen essay, the defense of the country is the ultimate duty of a good citizen. A good citizen must live in peace and good citizen essay with his neighbors and fellow citizens. He must love the institutions of his country, and must always respect the laws of the state, and should have no tolerance for those who are criminals, good citizen essay. A good citizen always works for unity. He should work for the unity of the country.

Goodwill for other races, protection for the weak, help for the victims, understanding and kind consideration to his fellow citizens, are all things that are good citizen essay in a good citizen. A good citizen must have a spirit of cooperation, friendliness, and dedication for his fellow citizens. He must respect other faiths, and not do something which brings disgrace to his society or to his country. These include the duty to back the government, to vote in elections, provide public services to institutions of government, and to review and question governmental decisions.

To have the freedoms that we good citizen essay, we must fund our government agencies. To enjoy trouble-free lives, the citizen must pay taxes. Voting in elections is the only way citizens can stay free. When citizens fail to vote or have political opinions, they allow vested interests to have their way. This can restrict their personal freedoms.

It also the responsibility of a free citizen to provide public service to the government. This means volunteering for various agencies and charities, but it also means to serve jury duty. Without this component, people will most certainly lose the opportunity to be judged by a jury of their peers. When citizens get too unworried, they will not notice when their freedom is being abridged. To make sure that none of these negative things happen, the citizens of a society must act in an active productive way be interested in what is going on around them, and be aware and participate in the changes they may face, good citizen essay.

Citizen is one of the most commonly used words in democracy. It is used at all levels of politics. Every Indian living in India is not a citizen. To live in India does not make a person citizen. A citizen good citizen essay one who is a member of the State and took part in the process of making government.

A person who is ruled by laws but has no political rights is not a citizen. The term citizen was linked with the rise of democracy, good citizen essay. Where one has political rights, the right to vote, good citizen essay, and the right to participate in decision-making on important questions, good citizen essay, good citizen essay one is a citizen.

They have good citizen essay rights. A good citizen is one who is conscious of both rights and duties. For instance, the right to vote is one of our most important rights and it is good citizen essay duty also to exercise the right to vote.

If a person does not vote she or he cannot be considered a good citizen, though otherwise she or he may be a good person. A good citizen should not only be conscious of their own right alone but also give the government good citizen essay is due. They should obey laws that are made by the legislature and pay taxes.

These are their duties towards the government. But they must also perform their duties to other citizens. And the most important duty of every citizen is to respect the rights of others.

The qualities of good citizens must, therefore, include a consciousness of their own rights, tolerance for others, and respect for laws.

Write an Essay on A Good Citizen - Essay Writing - English

, time: 7:53

Essay on How can we be Good Citizens for School and College Students

good citizen essay

 · June 2, by Prasanna. Essay on Responsibilities of A Good Citizen – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Responsibilities of A Good Citizen for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and The Responsibilities of A Good Citizen essay , , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins A good citizen always works for the unity. He should work for the unity of the country. Good will for other races, protection for the weak, help for the victims, understanding and kind consideration to his fellow citizens, are all things that are needed in a good citizen. A good citizen must have a spirit of cooperation, friendliness, and dedication for his fellow blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Good Citizenship Essay: How To Be A Good Citizen 1. Be a good student. To be useful for society you have to gain an excellent education. Learn smart at school. It will 2. Always be a hard worker. Education is only the beginning of the further process which is called working. While 3. Stay

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