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First world war essay

First world war essay

first world war essay

May 04,  · The First World War Essay In this essay I will be looking on 4 factors and whether or not they had help to break the stalemate during the First World War. The Schlieffen plan was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen, who was the Chief of the General staff in the German army World War I was mainly a consequence of the aggressive intentions of leaders from various nations supported by their public’s growing nationalist passion. Due to the competing economies and empires in Europe, tension rose and apprehensions that a war would break promoted the establishment of different military alliances among nation states and an arms race Dec 21,  · First World War started in and its responsible for the acceleration of a series of social, political, economic and cultural developments. "Its immediate consequences -- the ussian evolution, the political and social upheavals of all over Europe, the redrawing of the maps with the emergence of new national states -- have determined the course of history in the twentieth century."

The First World War essay Essay — Free college essays

In this essay I will be looking on 4 factors and whether or not they had help to break the stalemate during the First World War. The Schlieffen plan was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen, who was the Chief of the General staff in the German army. There are a number of different aspects of the Schlieffen plan, but all were aimed at defeating France as quick as possible, preferable in under 6 weeks. The first aspect of the Schlieffen plan was to reduce risk of war on two fronts.

The Chief of General Staff thought it would be possible to defeat France and then turn onto Russia as Russia would take a long to get itself ready for war as it is such a big country. So the Staff wanted a quick and easy victory in France so they could turn their attentions east towards Russia.

Now Germany was in troubles the war on two fronts that the plan was meant to avoid had just broken out. At that point it was certain that battle plan had failed. The failure of the Schlieffen Plan was not only a problem for Germans. It had also contributed to a much bigger problem which was the development of stalemate, which had in effect, affected the whole war.

The stalemate is a stop in fighting during a war. Enemies are usually unable to advance. To make matter worse there was new advanced technology introduced during this war such as Machine Guns, Aircrafts, Gases ; Chlorine, Mustard Gas, Hand Grenades, first world war essay, Lee Enfield Rifle, Artillery Heavy Guns as well as Tanks.

All this new first world war essay had put strain on the soldiers, who for their own protection had build trenches, first world war essay, which lead to stalemate because of which there was more war at sea taking place.

The stalemate on the Western Front lasted for so long because it was much easier to defend the trenches than to attack them for the following reasons: 1, first world war essay. The weapons in the First World War were much better for defending than for attacking.

The defenders in the trenches were better protected. This made it very difficult for men and horses to charge quickly.

Both sides had large reinforcements of men and guns that could easily be brought up to support trenches under attack. The generals were not used to fighting this type of warfare. However, this simply warned the enemy that an attack was coming and took away the element of surprise, first world war essay. After the long and trying months in the trenches the stalemate was finally broken.

It had happened in because as many people believe couple equally important reasons. The first one was the creation of new more advanced technology like tanks. Tanks were originally British idea, founded by head of the navy Winston Churchill. They were used at battle of the Somme during which they had advanced ahead of infantry, crushing all barbed-wire defences.

They went through scaring Germans and bringing British morale up. They were unreliable, used to move slowly and break really quickly. The other reason that is believed to contribute to breaking stalemate is the blockade of German ports which was put into operation in September This idea was meant to stop all the food and artillery supplies from getting into the German ports.

This meant that Germany would be easier to defeat as the nation and soldiers would slowly die of starvation. However in the process the people would start to rebel against the German power and cause problems within Germany. Another reason that had definitely contributed to the end of the stalemate was America finally joining the war, which had also triggered another important event that had put a definite ending to the stalemate. America had only joined the war in 6th April Before she tightly hold to isosialism policy, which meant that they thought that the war was international but did not apply to the, first world war essay, however America had still been sending France and Britain the supplies needed for war.

Than in America finally decided to join the war. Slowly she became to send troops over to French Trenchesand quickly she was able to send up to 50, per month, first world war essay.

They brought new, even more advanced technology which German soldiers had never seen before. That is how the Spring Offensive in which led to the end of the First World War had been triggered. As Germany broke through the Allies lines in many places the enemy had to act quickly as well. So everyone was on the move and everyone was fighting, first world war essay. There was no more waiting in the trenches, so the stalemate was officially broken.

I personally think that all those events are closely linked together and all of them are equally important in breaking the stalemate. Without the new technology the British Soldiers would have very poor morale and low chances of moving and actually breaking the stalemate and winning the war. If America had not joined the war, there would have been no new technology and German soldiers would see no point in moving. If the Blockade of First world war essay Ports would have been not put into operation than German soldiers would have normal food supplies and would have quickly first world war essay themselves and win the war.

The Spring Offensive was German reaction to America moving in, to the Port Blockade and the New technology as all this made Germany feel so pressed against the wall that they had to do something. I'm Tamara! Would you like to get a custom essay?

How about receiving a customized one? Skip to content In this essay I will be looking on 4 factors and whether or not they had first world war essay to break the stalemate during the First World War.

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First World War Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

first world war essay

Feb 21,  · Causes of the First World War Essay Jack Heyburn 2/2/12 The First World War is generally accepted to be the first conflict to bring warfare to a global scale. The four years of worldwide hostilities were brought on by a synergism of both domestic and international issues The First World War Essay. Words3 Pages. The First World War was commonly known for its lack of movement for soldiers on all sides. World War I took place on the Western Front from the autumn of to the spring of During the First Battle of the Marne, German advances were pushed back by the Allied forces World War I was mainly a consequence of the aggressive intentions of leaders from various nations supported by their public’s growing nationalist passion. Due to the competing economies and empires in Europe, tension rose and apprehensions that a war would break promoted the establishment of different military alliances among nation states and an arms race

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