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Essay on the power of positive thinking

Essay on the power of positive thinking

essay on the power of positive thinking

Free Custom «The Power of Positive Thinking» Essay Paper Positive thinking refers to the mental attitude that tends to be making correct or ideal decisions in serious matters. This kind of thinking is controlled by ones attitude towards something. The attitudes can either be positive or negative depending on how one sees and judges it The texts The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and Siddhartha written by Hermann Hesse, elucidate the actuality that happiness is a pathless journey. It is a journey of self creation and varies depending on the individual. Happiness is obtained through internal possessions opposed to external possessions Essay on the power of positive thinking. Words14 Pages. “There is nothing on earth that you cannot have-once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.”. -Robert Collier. Perhaps the most important mental and spiritual principle ever discovered is that you become what you think

Essay on The Power of Positive Thinking - Words

Positive thinking refers to the mental attitude that tends to be making correct or ideal decisions in serious matters. This kind of thinking is controlled by ones attitude towards something, essay on the power of positive thinking. The attitudes can either be positive or negative depending on how one sees and judges it. Positive thinking is always pegged on success and growth or development. This type of thinking, anticipates a lot of good feelings in life such as happiness, essay on the power of positive thinking, joy and good health.

This therefore means that the mind can get whatever it expects depending on the attitude of an individual. There are those individuals who do not believe in positive thinking claiming that this kind of thinking is based on absolute nonsense. This makes them mock those who believe in this kind of thinking. On the other hand, there are those people who believe in this kind of thinking but do not no how to use it appropriately especially when solving their problems. This topic has gained a lot of popularity in the past five years as many people nowadays advice their friend and any wrong doer to think positively.

When this topic is related to a book written by Norman Vincent Peale, it is found that this author also tries to give more information pegged on positive thinking.

He also talks about peace and happiness as part of fruits got from positive thinking. Norman linked this kin d of thinking to Christianity as it was one of the values that were needed of a good Christian. He also tells us on how one can make a great turning point in his or her life by having a positive thinking in whatever thing or decision he or she does. Some of the advise and teachings that were given by Norman through his article, has made a great change in the lives of many people especially those who took his words seriously.

This advises were mainly based essay on the power of positive thinking positive thinking of which Norman considered to be the source of every success in the world.

This has earned this book some bit of fame as many people are eager to get some of the hidden critics behind positive thinking. The market of this book is also good as many people who are interested buy hence promoting its market sales.

This book was published on 9 th of March, by miss e Jackson. The book is a combination of two volumes and consists of pages. Norman does not necessarily mean that positive thinking can make one acquire riches or any other tangible thing in life. He makes his statement in the book clear that positive thinking only makes one to have that peace of mind and happiness. He further relates this matter to pertaining to believe in God as a creator of whom we were all created in his own image. He says that due to this fact about our creation, we are therefore equal before God and should therefore have a positive thinking as it is faith right Peale, Peal in his writing work also says that the mind is a powerful thing and if used correctly, can make one live a better and enjoyable live that is not prone to troubles.

This book is one of the best books that have talked about the way of thinking. The author has clearly achieved some of his set target of teaching people the values of positive thinking.

He has also related this kind of thinking to be Godly as it is accepted in Christianity essay on the power of positive thinking it supports faith or serves faith right. This is one of the books in which the author had a fulfilled target due to the kind of criteria he followed in delivering his message to the people.

The author seemed to have been very keen in writing the book as he used a lot of trick to prove the reality of the kind of message he was delivering to people. The book is ideal and can therefore be recommended to other people who might have not read it. There are some people who think negatively due to the fact that they do not know the importance of positive thinking. These kinds of people are supposed to be advised to read this book so as to know some of the values of positive thinking.

The author has also brought ion the issue of knowing god and change in behavior essay on the power of positive thinking to enable easy understanding of having faith and believing in God. This book can therefore be regarded as a moral book that entails a lot of teachings to those with negative thinking or attitude towards certain things in life.

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Tony Robbins - Motivation - The Power Of Positive Thinking

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Power of Positive Thinking: [Essay Example], 50 words GradesFixer

essay on the power of positive thinking

Positive thinking leads man to success. One who thinks he can achieve things, he will perform his best, will not come out of problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Confidence, determination, perseverance, and hard work are major factors of success Free Custom «The Power of Positive Thinking» Essay Paper Positive thinking refers to the mental attitude that tends to be making correct or ideal decisions in serious matters. This kind of thinking is controlled by ones attitude towards something. The attitudes can either be positive or negative depending on how one sees and judges it Essay on the power of positive thinking. Words14 Pages. “There is nothing on earth that you cannot have-once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.”. -Robert Collier. Perhaps the most important mental and spiritual principle ever discovered is that you become what you think

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