Nov 27, · The political realities of the time- from to early s- the War, the Holocaust in Europe, the apparent threat of the world destruction by atomic bomb, the conservative reaction of McCarthyism in United States and even intensified hurly burly of city life-resulted in a movement called Abstract Expressionism. Abstract Expressionism combined two tendencies already evident in the 5/5(1) Apr 19, · Abstract expressionism was the combination of idealism and spirituality- two great schools of thought. I would sum up this essay by quoting from Willem de Kooning describing what abstract art means to him in He saw it as an art of spiritual harmony in which all the main characters flew away from the painful realities of life Jun 06, · Abstract expressionism, like its predecessors, Bauhaus and Surrealism, showed this tension and anxiety, and make it art. Abstract Expressionism Essay Example It is interesting to note that Abstract Expressionism has much in common with the Russian artists of the beginning of the twentieth century – in fact, it was one of those who coined the term which later came to be referential Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Abstract Expressionism Essay - Words | Help Me
Color Field painters like Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman created canvas surfaces to evoke emotion and mood through the use of abstract expressionism essay color.
The line, which traditionally had been to demarcate the subject, was now used to create the entire visual field of incident.
You might think your three-year-old could make a Pollock drip painting, but Abstract Expressionism was truly a watershed moment in the history of art. Until the end of WWII, Paris was considered the art center of the world; American artists were barely taken seriously. Though European modernism had dominated art until this time, New York artists began creating art in a new way: by abandoning geometric abstraction and embracing their own, personal, authentic.
What he meant by this is, that they wanted to show reality of what was going on in the world. However, Monet varied his work much more than Degas did, abstract expressionism essay. Although both artists are of the Impressionist Movement, Degas and Monet started on very contrary bases in their approach to their production of painting and such. However, Monet influenced Degas into adapting his art to fit it into the Impressionist stereotype.
This allows the eye abstract expressionism essay to focus on just one spot. The artist puts a lot of emphasis on color in the painting, and on space and texture of the canvas itself. He does this to bring the viewer into his abstract expressionism essay and express the emotion he is putting into words with paint.
The painting is non-representational abstract expressionism essay is a part of the Abstract Expressionism movement. The artist particularly involved in the American Abstract Artists group.
Environment and the surroundings can influence both the artists and model and the expressions they paint into abstract expressionism essay painting. The background of each artist can affect the way they paint and what they choose to paint, abstract expressionism essay. I chose to study major artists that influenced significantly the history of art like Rembrandt and Gustave Courbet, abstract expressionism essay, and more modern artists that were influenced in later stage like Daniel Barkley and JKB Fletcher.
My theme in my A-Level project was the disguise people use to hide their emotions and characteristics. I avoided pure reds, blues, and whites. The whites that I used I gave a bluish, yellow, or sometimes a brown tint. I did this to avoid a pure color standing out in the whole painting and to abstract expressionism essay distracting the viewer.
Abstract expressionism essay also left out gold and instead simulated it with other variations of color. Although not necessarily a cohesive group, impressionist paintings all contained certain characteristics. The artists used very informal techniques while capturing the light and true color of their subjects. Their paintings have a very realistic feel when looked at from a far, however when viewed close up one can clearly see the short, blotchy strokes used by the artist.
There are generally two types of paintings- representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors, abstract expressionism essay. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression.
A very rapid sketch, like Impression De Santis 2 Sunrise, looks as if it was entirely painted on the spot, but often he must have needed to finish his more elaborated pictures away from the scene, after the lighting effects had changed. To contrast Monet, Edgar Degas although having this look that gave the feeling the figures were just glanced at.
painted his works entirely within his studio, but he arranged his objects and figures to portray this just glanced at look. He often showed figures in such informal poses as stretching or scratching themselves, and frequently used the borders of the pictures to cut off parts of figures, in order to give a sense of immediacy to them. The Impressionists' abstract expressionism essay complemented the anxiousness and speed of their subjects. Home Page Abstract Expressionism Essay.
Abstract Expressionism Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. In The beginning, abstract expressionism essay, Abstract expressionism came upon at an earlier time than Pop art. Abstract Expressionist looked at paintings as paint and not as people. They also came to conclusion that when creating a type of art in a certain field, that you should only focus on the field that you created. The ending results were not determined by the artist it was to be viewed and discussed by the viewer.
Pop art, on the other hand, focused on working with consumer goods and ass media products. It was a reaction to the Abstract expressionists. Instead of an ambiguous image, pop artists hit you over the head with the …show more content… They accomplished this goal by turning down the same consistent vision of paintings for their own separate spot.
Most Abstract Expressionists decided not to use the fine art methods but instead used painting techniques that were not traditional. In the painting Number 31 by Jackson Pollock, for example, when painting this painting, Pollock put his large canvas on the ground and splattered different colors of enamel paint onto the abstract expressionism essay surface.
This was a major abstract expressionism essay from the normal basic style painting with just a brush and easel. Abstract Expressionists focused mostly on large scaled paintings. When they wanted to go for a more emotional look of the painting, abstract expressionism essay, they would use a dramatic scale to incorporate viewers, as if the viewers were everyday surroundings.
During this time, Abstract Expressionists always removed figuration and the subject that mattered from their pieces, as this is what they were known for, but Abstract expressionism essay, they captured their natural emotional gestures on the canvas, abstract expressionism essay, or they filled their canvases with flat strokes of paint for a more emotional color effect. At the conclusion of WWI, the center of all art around the world became Paris; American artists were not taken as seriously.
Even though the European modernism had dominated art up until this time period, Artist in New York began to create art in their own new way:. Get Access. Good Essays. History Of Abstract Expressionism Words 3 Pages. History Of Abstract Expressionism. Read More.
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Introducing Abstract Expressionism
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Essay on Abstract Expressionism. "New needs need new techniques. And the modern artists have found new ways and new means of making their statements the modern painter cannot express this age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture." Rarely has such a massive transfer of influence has ever touched the world as did in the Jun 06, · Abstract expressionism, like its predecessors, Bauhaus and Surrealism, showed this tension and anxiety, and make it art. Abstract Expressionism Essay Example It is interesting to note that Abstract Expressionism has much in common with the Russian artists of the beginning of the twentieth century – in fact, it was one of those who coined the term which later came to be referential Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Nov 27, · The political realities of the time- from to early s- the War, the Holocaust in Europe, the apparent threat of the world destruction by atomic bomb, the conservative reaction of McCarthyism in United States and even intensified hurly burly of city life-resulted in a movement called Abstract Expressionism. Abstract Expressionism combined two tendencies already evident in the 5/5(1)
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